
Thursday, May 5, 2016

Finding Out

When Colton told me he thought the time was right to have another baby, he obviously had divine inspiration because we had a positive test almost immediately.

Which completely stressed me out. We had a lot of friends who were trying to get pregnant-it was taking them a while and I had prepared myself that it would take a while and not to stress.

The day we found out I was pregnant I told Colton that maybe we should wait a little while. We had just booked a Disneyland trip. I was trying to finish school. My work would be moving to a new city soon. And I wanted to keep losing weight and get in better shape (I had lost about 20+ pounds in the months prior.)

I had started to feel sick and was beyond exhausted. Which I knew was crazy because I MAYBE could be 3 weeks along at best. I didn't even tell Colton I was taking the test. I didn't expect anything.

I got a positive almost immediately.

I screamed. Colton came running in. I basically threw the test at him.

He.Was. Ecstatic.

I was crying from shock, surprise, fear and happiness. And he was just beaming.

The next day he called me at work just to tell me again how happy he was that he got to be a daddy again.

He wanted to tell everyone he came in contact with. He couldn't wait to announce to our families. That has pretty much been how this pregnancy has gone and I love it.

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