
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My Schmalentine

Valentines day is my very favorite holiday. I love making heart shaped sugar cookies, I love the romantic decor, and I love the color pink. In previous years I would use valentines day to dress up my room with cute sayings, cupid window clings, and bright candles. (And then I would leave them up all year long.)

With a husband and forever roommate, I no longer get to indulge in my pretty pink room, but I do get to take the time to reflect on my sweetheart.

I have a wonderful husband.

He has the best temperament to deal with me, and I take him for granted every single day. He is so patient with me, especially when I'm crabby, and he is always spoiling me.

I just want to take a minute to share my favorite things about my husband (and some of his bizarre quirks.)

1. He is a creature of habit. When we move places, I have to be VERY careful where I put things. If I leave a sock on the dresser, he will forever place socks on the dresser. If I put skewers in the junk drawer, they will forever go there. Even if I move them, he moves them back.

2. Because he is a creature of habit, he has the same routines every day. Every night before we go to bed he puts a cup of cold water on my nightstand, and heats up my rice bag.

3. He is the designated dishwasher of our house. I HATE doing dishes. I can't reach the cupboards to put them away, I always end up with a soaked shirt because I am too short, and I have a hard time reaching in the sink. I hate that job with a fiery passion. HATE. So no matter how messy I manage to make our little kitchen, if I cook, he gladly cleans.

4. He is also my designated "tall person." When I bake he is getting me flour and sugar and cups and bowls, and is constantly "reaching" things for me.

5. He is the best dad. When he walks in the door he is on all fours playing with Tai and giving him hugs and loving on him. He scoops him up and changes his diaper/puts him in the bath/sits him on his lap. He is always looking for what needs to be done with Tai and is SO patient with him. He always tells him that they are best friends and he really treats him like they are best buds.

6. He is way more of a clean freak than I am. But he is a surface cleaner. He doesn't do lysol/pinesol/deep cleaning. He just pushes things into places and hides things to make it LOOK clean. If I am going to clean I am going to sanitize and disinfect and make sure everything is put away. He just stuffs and spiffs up.

7. Colton is a you-get-what-you-see kind of person. In other words, he says what he thinks, if he's mad he acts mad, if he is in a bad mood he will not put on a smile for anyone. He is who he is, and it's a really great trait (and one that drives me crazy.) I love that he is genuine, there is never a show for anyone, but I do wish he would fake a smile every once in a while.

8. Colton is a caregiver. He takes care of me, he is always getting me drinks, adjusting my clothes, tightening the elastic in my hair. He deals constantly with the fact that I can't do as much as he can, and never acts like its anything out of the ordinary.

9. Colton has a good heart. He has never looked at me like I was anything but the prettiest girl on earth. He has never made me feel different, or like the things that I "can't" do are a bother to him.

10. He is very hands on. He is at every doctors appointment for Tai, every shopping trip, every check up. He is an involved dad, and husband, and I know he will always stay that way. I appreciate that about him so much.

I've attached some pictures (and further proof that my hubby is a sweetie pie) of my Valentines gift-I worked all day long but came home to a fancy dinner and a clean house. 

Cards from both my Valentines-Daddy helped Tai write one, it was my favorite part of the day.

My cute table all set when I got off work.

My Hubby made shrimp and crab.
Fancy Cheesecake From A Fancy Pastry Cottage

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Tai's First Haircut!

  On Sunday the 10th we were in Salt Lake for the Kynaston Annual Valentines dinner. Every year Colton's grandpa takes all the girls out for a nice dinner, which, by the way, I think is the sweetest and most thoughtful tradition EVER. It has been one of the best things of being married-to get to enjoy all the new and exciting family traditions and get togethers.

Since most of his family couldn't make it to Tai's birthday party, we had a cake smash and Tai got his present from Colton's aunts. We also had a special first-his haircut.

I wasn't anywhere near thinking we would cut his hair, but since both Colton's mom and Grandma are hairstylists, I was getting a lot of crap about my little boy and his wild fuzz ball head. So we cut it.

Daddy wasn't there to watch, but that's okay because he wasn't nearly as attached to the fuzz head as I was. When I asked if he was okay if we got it cut he said "do you want me to say no?" I love husbands and their ability to take the blame ;)

So we got a cute cut, and I kept some of his little first locks of hair, which Colton says is disgusting...(eye roll)!

Enjoy the pictures :)

Friday, February 1, 2013

One year!

He is one! My sweet, happy little boy is one.

And today, we all celebrated!

I keep flashing back to one year ago. I was finally awake after a bad C-section and holding my sweet baby against my chest. Nothing in the world could have made me sleep.

Today, he is wedged between Colton and I, considerably bigger ;) but still my sweet baby.

We had a great day. We woke up and went to Provo. Ate sushi. Went to the Disney Store. Mommy got some shirts and daddy got shoes. Everyone celebrated the achievement.

It is amazing how easy it has become-how second nature it is. There was no crazy packing. No breast pumps or spit up rags. He sat in a high chair, ate rice and beans off of a plate, and drank apple juice from a straw. He kept himself entertained with his new toy, and sat cross legged in his stroller-no baby car seat needed.

We loaded him into his new car seat-his own captains chair, and he put his pacifier in his mouth, laid his head to the side and slept, no screaming through the canyon or stopping for a bottle.

He took a shower with dad-sitting on the floor with toys and walked out to the kitchen to have mom dry him off.

He is so big an already so independent compared to the tiny baby I met one year ago.

We had a very fun party tonight, just to commemorate that we made it!

He had so many people stop by to see him, many leaving Toy Story themed toys (he got a full size Buzz Lightyear and a Woody.) He is so lucky and we are so blessed to have such good friends and family!

We love you little boy, you have made our life something amazing!